I know you had an cliffhanger to the
previous episode and for the record this is the ninth episode of Game
of Thrones which will schedule on June 2, 2013. In their will be have
an one week break for the reason is their will be an memorial day
holiday on May 26, 2013 as like to the previous season that the title
episode if "Blackwater" who have also an one week break is
this the may be have an fall of the ratings of HBO for they said that
it will be an two eek break but they are afraid the HBO may have an
dip ratings if they will do that. I know this will be the bad news
and your part for you will waiting again but just keep calm and after
that we will see the season finale of Game of Thrones for i am
freaking out to witness the epic war i might looking forward to
happen. In because their will be an one week break i believe i will
recommend to you to watch the previous episode of season 3 on
Do you know that The Rains of Castamere
is the unofficial anthem of Lannister where in translate as "Anthem"
and Tywin Lannister refers to a House of Reyne of Castamere after
their rebellion of the mad king which the result is an successful

Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 9:The Rains of Castamere, Robb will come to face to face the head of Frey
which is Walder Frey in the other side Edmure Tully will meet at last
his bride to be and i am existed if she was beautiful lay or lame
that Edmund also freaking out to see the person who married him. Bran
at last he discover once again an new talent that himself only
discover that. Daario and Jorah had an debate about to Yunkai how
will have an effective to winter and get kill the people who are
slave them and freedom of the slave.
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