This is the reason why the title
episodes of Game of thrones which is “Second Sons” for the reason
is a mercenary company in Essos, which is led by Mero who known as
“The Titan's Bastard. If you doesn’t know about the Mercenary
we'll I will gave you an background, Mercenary is an independent
soldier don't had no stable allegiance to any lord or country, but
who instead hires out his services for payment. They are most
commonly known by the term "Sellsword", as they sell their
services with a sword.
Sellsword means that they are using a
fight on foot, through they can actually also own the horses an fight
as mounted warriors life the person who was guard of Tyrion which is
Bronn - a weathered, veteran sellsword of no particular fame but
above-average skill, who is hired on by Tyrion Lannister as his
bodyguard/enforcer. Bronn first earned his place at Tyrion's side by
defeating Ser Vardis Egen, a knight and the captain of the guards at
The Eyrie, in a trial by combat, thus demonstrating his impressive
skills as an experienced sellsword.

In to those who are asking if their
will be an break of this season, for after this episodes there will
be an one week break happening which the next episode is The Rains of
Castamere for the reason is an Memorial Day holiday on May 26th
in the USA. That last season who the “Blackwater” aired over the
Memorial Day in 2012 and took a slight dip in Television evaluations,
so HBO preferred to just take the week off for Season 3.
In if you missed the previous episode
of Game of Thrones Season 3 this is my short recap, Dany and the lord
of outside of Yunkai had an gift to Dany which that was an two box of
case of gold and Dany had also an gift to him which is the life of
him but the leader of Yunkai outside don't agree of it and they had
an intense episode.
As Sansa will had the same emotion that she don’t
except that Tyrion will gonna married and him to Margery gave him an
positive word that it might Sansa lift up himself. Shae had an
seduced that Tyrion new situation. Tywin had must to speak the King.
In the meantime Melisandre reveals the true identification of Gendry
that he has a Robert Baratheon bastard. Brienne will face an life and
death that will be a formidable for in Harrenhal that Jaime will be
worried to him and at the end Brienne and Jaime will go in the kings
lading both of them.

Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 8:Second Sons, This time will the King's Landing will be hold an
weeding that Tyrion and Sansa will spend together that night and it's
kind of awkward that both of them will be in the room. Dany will meet
the Titan's Bastard that will help Dany to entered in Yunkai. Davos
once again to get the proof from melisandre. Sam and Gilly will meet
an older gentleman and no where place.
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