Airing Date: May 8. 2013
What would it be that
Arrow ill gonna fight at last for the intense scene of the
specialized on Arrow. In I am looking forward that it will be happen
The official spoiler-filled guide has emerged for Arrow, episode 22
“Darkness On The Edge Of Town”. It marks the second last episode
of the season too, the question will Oliver able to defend the city
which he will outfight the Dark Archer? We all known that Dark Archer
was Malcolm (John Barrowman) who he was stronger than to Arrow who
which in last year episode where the first meeting of Arrow and Dark
Archer in they begun to fight but at the end of the fight scene Dark
Archer won that battle for Arrow was strike tree times at the back
and that is the reason why Oliver was discourage and doubt himself if
he will continue the dying wish of his father.
In if you miss the
previous episode of Arrow which the titled episode is “Undertaking”,
The Arrow episode “The Undertaking” just aired on the East Coast,
and fans of the show caught a few references to the DC Comics
universe within. Their was an flashback in the starling city where Malcolm Merlyn wanted to enter or to employ to the Markov Device, is
a reference to Brion Markov, the Earth-manipulator known as
But that’s not the
stealth reference that they tried to sneak past us. In five years ago
buy an pizza and go to the house of Laurel that they are talking
about their friend who was “Ray and Jean” and I know you begun to
put in your mind that name will was familiar right? We’re pretty
sure she’s talking about Ray Palmer, a.k.a. Justice League member
The Atom. Jean Loring was his girlfriend, wife, and later psychotic
It’s references like
these that make Arrow awesome. Did you catch others? Leave some
comments below!

In a flashback to the
island, Oliver, Slade (guest star Manu Bennett) and Shado (guest star
Celina Jade) struggle to prevent Fyers (guest star Sebastian Dunn)
from shooting a Ferris Air jet out of the sky. Paul Blackthorne and
David Ramsey also star. Roger Cross and Bryon Mann also guest star.
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