Airing Date: February 7, 2014
Katherine shows up to the party but she’s trapped at the
door, Matt invites her in. Stefan asks Elena wherever she’s been, but Katherine
just shrugs it off. (Who do we reference Nina Dobrev as?!) In when Katherine that she cannot get inside
for there was an barrier inside, she was piss off and looking for Matt or
anything who was the owner of the house, in when Katherine saw Elena that she
invite Katherine and Katherine go to inside.
We all know the reason why Katherine was in Tyler Lockhood,
right? We’ll if not I will give you what happen in party. The reason why Tyler
had a party is because Matt wanted to do that event for Tyler said Tyler is
staying at his old house/aka Matt’s house and is by now drinking at 7AM. Bummed
out, man. Tyler tells Matt that his revenge plan is over and he’s starting
fresh. In when Katherine call Matt on the phone where what will the event and
Matt said that you are invited in the party in that’s was Katherine encourage
Nadia that she wanted to attend in the party, however Nadia was not good with
that for she was not in the right shape to playing for fun for she was in the
mind set to complete the ritual. Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 13:Total Eclipse of the Heart will be back on TV screen on February 7, 2014 only

Katherine also asks Stefan what will be your condition after
Katherine loss? In Stefan ask moreover Katherine what is you condition also
after Katherine loss and Katherine recommend to Stefan Katherine suggests a
funeral, says she needs to drop off flowers however only Damon knows where her
body is. Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 13 Online.
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