Airing Date: May 14, 2013
Schmidt with his ex after
they had also an love scene they had an fastback story when Schmidt
still fat that they can do everything they want when they are still
in college days of their life.
In I love this episode
for many slaughters I have seen to Nick and Jess father and
especially to the birthday boy which it Wilson.
What's next to Jess and
Nick? After the waiting is over for both of them had an love making
scene in they are sweet in the scene where Nick touch Jess in the
body with the hair and Jess feel she react an both of the m laugh and
afterwords Nick prepared an breakfast food to Jess and an unexpected
guest has arrive for that person was Jess father in it was awkward to
see that Nick see Jess father and Wilson was their also and Nick make
an idea that he given the food to Wilson and Wilson replied that you
giving this to me is because my birthday is today but Nick doesn’t
remember that Wilson birthday and because Wilson realize that Nick
don’t had any ideas that his birthday he said to Nick that I was
hurt but still I will eat this food, in Jess came out in the room and
hug his father for both of them an shocking to see Jess father.

Jess had an call that
their was an call needed that teacher for Jess was happy to heard
that and Jess call his Dad to be with him in the school but his
father insist that it's gonna be boring and because of no choice Nick
offered himself to stay with his father in the apartment. Jess please
Wilson that to get Cece weeding dress, Wilson kinda sorry to himself
that no one remember his birthday. Back in the apartment in the roof
top Nick and Jess father had an conversation that they Nick was
tenses but Jess father sorry to him for that subject is all about
Nick girlfriend that Jess father had no idea that it was Jess his
At the new job of Jess
who still an teacher of the kids but an unexpected thing that happen
that Jess expected was an chaotic for all the student was an war
freak and short very noisy and cant control. When Wilson come to Cece
house he expect that it was an birthday surprise but it's not that
when Wilson arrive he only see Cece who had tattoo on her face and
Cece shock to the max.

New Girl Season 2 Episode 25: Elaine's Big Day, This moment in time that Cece will be her day
for that day she will married and also Jess and Nick will come to
conclusion about their relationship status. In the Meantime, Schmidt
plan of action with a typically overenthusiastic Winston to
counteract the ceremony, although a shocking proclamation may be
larger than anything he plans.
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