It was an so far an awesome prom senior
night but in the other side it was still an unexpected way to happen
because Silas was there which he uses many appearance like in case to
Jeremy a little Gilbert who when Bonnie realize that her best-friend
was not the same she exit the scene and get an by himself but an
shocking to witness because Jeremy appeared to him and Bonnie was
happy that his prom will be complete but suddenly when Jeremy said
about the spell and powers Bonnie learned that it was Silas and it
was not Jeremy at all.
In Bonnie reaction is angry to him that
he uses one of the important people in her life. In also not only
Jeremy but Damon and Stefan using him to create an conflict to the
Salvatore's brother who Damon see how Stefan giving back the memory
when they are on and when Damon was outside seeing the pictures
Stefan appeared to him in they had an back to back shocking words and
when Damon trying to harm Stefan, Stefan stab him and Damon known
that it was Silas and not his brother ad the same way Damon also
appeared to Stefan as like that thing happen too.

Back in Mystic Falls Damon and Stefan
still continue their plan to Elena in Katherine will appeared in
mystic falls who she will surprise to Rebekah weakness who she had an
immense to deliver the important message to the person. I know you
are excited to this episode so keep calm and hope you will not this
series of The Vampire Diaries.
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