Airing Date: April 9, 2013
This will be the episode that I am
waiting for the reason is Cece will getting marries it means she
wanted to settle down her life and be with someone person who she
doesn’t expected top fall in love on her. In if the weeding is on
it means it their will be an Bachelorette Party who all the ladies
will gonna wild this time for sure. In if you wanted to see the
Bachelorette Party just watch New Girl Season 2 Episode 22:Bachelorette Party which will schedule on April 9, 2013 only at
Speaking about Cece we'll she grew up
with Jess and she may have some bit of history as being a maneater.
Cece and Schmidt dated for a little while, until she found out that
he read through her phone because he was paranoid that she had
interest in Gino, her partner in a photo shoot. We all know that
Schmidt had a love interest to Cece as hwta we some of the episode
for guarantee it was an thing that will better to see if Schmidt see
that Cece is getting married but I think Schmidt will be fair and
accept that truth and see Cece to have an happy life and happy
relationship as what he wish to him.
Cece will make a plan to his weeding
soon, which the busy thing Cece forgot Jess be part in the planning
as I think as the maid of honor for we know that Jess and Cece are
close together. Until of course Jess, being Jess, calls Cece up to
assertion her rightful maid of honor status.

Okay, so bets are on: Who thinks Schmidt’s plan will work or blow up in his face? (And the bigger question, do you think Cece will indeed go through with her arranged marriage this season?)
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