Thursday, 29 May 2014

Airing Date: June 1, 2014 Many things happen in the previous episode of Game of Thrones, I know you miss this shows because last weeks they have a break for one week but now the fight of the champion are begins, who you will be side “The Mountain or “The Viper”? I know both of them have unique style of fighting and also there strength cannot phantom but this fight there will be one person will able to stand until one will live. Just don’t...

Friday, 21 March 2014

Airing Date: March 27, 2014 What can you say to the previous episode of The Vampire Diaries I know so much tension and exciting at the same time? Anyhow this is the moment you will see for the first time who was the person behind of the Travellers in his name is Markos. There’s not much more information regarding to his earlier life and reason why she called a very villain of all villain much more evil to Klaus in this may not good to hear...

Monday, 17 March 2014

Airing Date: March 20, 2014 I know you are intrigue of this new character; the person that I am talking about is no other done Sloan. We first saw her in the episode “Total Eclipse of the Heart”, that she was a benefactor of Dr. Wes and also she was the reason in that episode Dr. Wes was saved by help of Sloan and other Travellers. On that moment of time Dr. Wes had another experiment in it was a vampire that he was a janitor in the Whitmore...

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Airing Date: March 7, 2014 Now this is interesting because the time is over for the reason we will at last the young Nadia, is who is the person taking take Nadia when she was young and also what will be the person or reason why Katherine father let Nadia given to another people. In also I am still interested who is Nadia father, is a doppelganger also like Stefan or what! I am just curious of him, for the world the doppelganger and...

Monday, 17 February 2014

Airing Date: February 27, 2014 What could you say on the recent episode of The Vampire Diaries? Where it was the first appearance of the new character which they are Sloan which was known as a person who help Wes from Damon and Enzo, where trying to kill him but because Sloan protect Wes with her company of the Travelers they stopped Damon and Enzo, where Wes injected Damon which leading that Damon officially a Vampire Augustine which mean...

Sunday, 9 February 2014

We are getting near to the ultimate revenge fight and will found out who truly the strongest. So, who goanna be? Just comment at below to have a short discussion and also if you wanted to get more updates regarding the Pacquiao versus Bradley II which will due on April 12, 2014. As what I said earlier is this will be shocking because one of Manny Pacquiao opponent said that this coming fight Juan Manuel Marquez expects that Manny will get...

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Airing Date: February 7, 2014 We all know the reason why Katherine was in Tyler Lockhood, right? We’ll if not I will give you what happen in party. The reason why Tyler had a party is because Matt wanted to do that event for Tyler said Tyler is staying at his old house/aka Matt’s house and is by now drinking at 7AM. Bummed out, man. Tyler tells Matt that his revenge plan is over and he’s starting fresh. In when Katherine call Matt on the...

Sunday, 26 January 2014

 Airing Date: January 30, 2014 Once again Damon and Enzo scene where the last thing we saw it last year which was the mid-season finale of Season 5, that episode where Elena little bit experiment of Dr. Wes and thanks to Stefan he save Elena, but to all Stelena there will be guarantee Stelena scene in fact that episode also Damon throw away Elena that Damon said to Elena stop defending me I am bad. So, meaning to say they’re will be...
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